
For Adults

In-House Treatment

A short-term (21-28 days) in-house alcohol and/or drugs program is available through the five AFM facilities. Facilities are located in Brandon, Ste. Rose du Lac, Thompson and Winnipeg. The program provides clients with assistance and opportunities to address their alcohol and/or drug problems in a safe, highly structured environment.

The program consists of: individual and group counselling, discussion groups, lectures, audio-visual technology, assignments and handout materials. While in the program clients may be linked with a physician to address their physical health needs and if needed, links are also established with psychological service providers.

The program offers gender specific content to address the differing needs of men and women in all facilities.

An in-house treatment facility specifically for women is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

In locations where there is a high percentage of aboriginal clients, the program may incorporate cultural specific sessions and make provisions for customary practices such as sweet grass ceremonies and sharing circles.

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