Family Services programs are free and confidential. Please contact 204.944.6340 for more information.
Intake Sessions for Individuals or Families
Intake sessions give you and other loved ones the chance to explore how healthy change might be possible in your relationships. A counsellor will discuss each person’s goals for change and how to reach them. This counsellor will also help each of you to make a decision about taking part in further counselling and programs.
Family Awareness Program
If you’re living with a person struggling with addiction, day-to-day survival often means that you can’t even focus on how you are living. In the Family Awareness Program, you will begin to look at the nature of addiction and the impact it is having on you and other loved ones. During the program, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and feelings in a safe group setting. With the group’s support, you’ll become aware of the things you can change in your life. Through education and honest self-examination, you’ll begin to have a better understanding of your situation.
Intake and registration is required to participate.
Individual Counselling
It’s common to feel alone and unsure of how to deal with the impact of a loved one’s addiction. A counsellor can help you to make sense of an overwhelming situation while working toward healthy changes. Many times the first step is recognizing that you are not responsible for the choices and behaviour of someone else. You may reach a point in your own growth where you wish to confront the person in your life who has a problem with drugs, alcohol or gambling. You may fear saying or doing the wrong thing. You may worry about how your loved one will react. Family Program counsellors can give you information about how to approach those with the problem in a way that may help them to understand the impact of their activities.
Specific Services for Partners and Families of Gamblers
It’s often a financial crisis that uncovers the secret of problem gambling. A counsellor can hep you plan how to stay safe emotionally and financially. The person who is gambling does not have to seek treatment for you to get support. After the crisis, the counsellor will work with you to decide what other changes you would like to make.
Re-parenting Program
This four-week group program is located in Brandon. It is for adults who grew up in families affected by addiction. You will discover how your experience growing up has shaped how you feel about yourself today. You will explore these emotional leftovers from your childhood and begin to develop a healthy connection to your emotions. Together, you and others in the group will learn from each other by sharing experiences.