April 1, 2022 marked the beginning of a new chapter for AFM as our organization began the operational steps to shift certain roles and functions under regional health authorities and transition operational responsibility to Shared Health. This visionary work is a direct result of the planning efforts and engagement initiated through Manitoba’s Health System Transformation initiative and Mental Health & Addictions Strategy.
Our clients and staff will not experience any changes in services or programming, nor how they are accessed as part of this transition. You may start to see the name Shared Health in some of our communications, materials or on our website/social media over the coming weeks and months. These gradual changes are part of our activities to become part of Shared Health.
Your generous support of our programming over our legacy has helped many Manitobans with substance use challenges. You have been on this road with us for your own personal reasons and we invite you to continue this journey – together – toward an integrated mental health and addiction services in Manitoba built on care and compassion, recovery and wellness.
Ways to Give:
AFM will no longer be able to accept donations directly with our our operational responsibility transitioning to Shared Health. As a registered charitable organization, Shared Health accepts donations to support various service areas, including its mental health and addictions programs to which we will now be part of.
To donate, please mail your generous gift via cheque format to:
Shared Health – ATTN: DONATIONS
791 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0M1
When donating, please enclose a letter with directions that you would like your gift to be used for mental health and addictions services and note if there is a specific facility or program that the contribution should be directed to.
Donations received without a direction will be used for general purposes.
We are grateful for your friendship and support over the many years. Thank you for your ongoing consideration when choosing to donate to a cause that is meaningful to you.
Should you wish to support mental health and addictions services in one of the Regional Health Authorities, please see below for information on how to make your generous donation.
Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority
Donations to the IERHA can be made to the Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation. Please click here for more information.
Northern Health Region
Please direct your donation to the Northern Health Foundation
84 Church Street
Flin Flon, MB
R8A 1L8
Phone: 204-681-3022
Southern Health-Santé Sud
To make a donation online, please click here.
If you wish to make a donation by mail, please direct your generous gift via cheque format to:
Southern Health-Santé Sud
Box 470
La Broquerie, MB R0A 0W0
Prairie Mountain Health – Addictions Services
Addictions Services within the Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) region includes Parkwood treatment centre (Brandon), Willard Monson House treatment centre (Ste. Rose du Lac), Manitoba Opiod Support and Treatment (MOST) Brandon, the Brandon R.A.A.M. Clinic, prevention and education services, and community addictions counselling across the region (offices within Swan River, Dauphin, Rossburn, Virden, Minnedosa, Boissevain, and Brandon).
To donate, please mail your generous gift via cheque format to:
Prairie Mountain Health – ATTN: DONATIONS
510 Frederick Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6Z4
*Please note on the cheque the donation is for Addictions Services
If your donation is being made in memory of a loved one, and you would like someone specific to be notified of your donation, please provide the name of the individual whom the donation was made in memory of, and the mailing address of where the notification should be sent.