
Résultats de la recherche pour : cannabis

Cannabis: It’s legal…Now what?

This recorded webinar will provide an overview of the types of cannabis products commonly used, the effects of cannabis, how to identify someone who might be intoxicated, how cannabis might interact with other drugs/medications, and what constitutes “lower risk” cannabis use. This webinar was recorded on January 31, 2019.

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Cannabis Use in Pregnancy & Lactation

Cannabis use during pregnancy has been shown to affect reproductive function, pregnancy outcomes, the growth and development of the baby, as well as lead to long-term neurocognitive effects. Despite this, cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation is relatively common. About 70% of women believe there is little or no risk of harm from using cannabis […]

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Strategies for Supporting Individuals who are Working Toward Lower Risk Alcohol and Cannabis Use

This recorded webinar examines strategies for helping individuals change their alcohol and cannabis use to meet Canada’s lower risk guidelines for clients and patients in community-based services. The webinar features David Brown, original creator of the “Making Choices About Cannabis” and “Making Choices About Drinking” workbooks.

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Au-delà de l’essentiel : Cannabis

le matériel SUIVANT EST OFFERT en format pdf téléchargeable sans frais et comme brochure physique gratuit Pour télécharger le PDF, cliquez sur le bouton “Download” La marche à suivre pour commander la brochure physique : Cliquez sur “Add to Cart” Lorsque le matériel commandé aura été ajouté au panier, cliquez sur “View Cart” Lorsque l’ensemble du matériel […]

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L’essentiel: Cannabis

le matériel SUIVANT EST OFFERT en format pdf téléchargeable sans frais et comme brochure physique gratuit Pour télécharger le PDF, cliquez sur le bouton “Download” La marche à suivre pour commander la brochure physique : Cliquez sur “Add to Cart” Lorsque le matériel commandé aura été ajouté au panier, cliquez sur “View Cart” Lorsque l’ensemble du matériel […]

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Youth and Addictions in the Time of COVID-19

What are some of the attractions and impacts for youth using alcohol, cannabis, other drugs, gambling or gaming at this time? Explore the costs and benefits of use as well as some effective harm reduction strategies and supportive resources for youth to access at this time Tuesday, June 2nd, 2:00pm-3:00pm Presented by Kate Evans, AFM […]

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David Brown – Healthy Living Workbook

On October 22, 2018, AFM hosted a webinar featuring David Brown, creator of the Healthy Living Workbooks “Making Choices About Cannabis” and “Making Choices About Drinking”.

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Trends in Youth Drug Use

While alcohol and cannabis remain the most common substances used by both youth and adults in Manitoba, it is important to keep abreast of emerging drug trends that may become problematic.  This presentation will highlight some of the drug trends currently emerging in Manitoba, including shatter, synthetic cannabis, methamphetamine, molly, ketamine, GHB, flakka and other […]

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